Market Leader in IVD Autoimmune Disease &
CDx Products & Services in Japan

About MBL

MBL provides high-quality products & solutions to advance life science research

MBL is committed to being a leading manufacturer and supplier of diagnostic reagents that facilitate further advances in personalized medicine and individualization of medical care and responding to strong medico-social needs such as quick and accurate infectious disease diagnosis.

With over 400 worldwide employees and 6 facilities in Japan and China, MBL was founded as Japan’s first antibody manufacturing company in 1969 to continuously take on the innovative diagnostic technology for each life. In 1970s, MBL initiated the development of diagnostic pharmaceuticals for autoimmune diseases as a leader of the companies of such products in Japan.

Furthermore, we launched the distribution of a companion diagnostic (CDx) for the first time in Japan, followed by business evolution that included the development of genetic diagnostic services. 

We will contribute to people’s health and medical development using our innovative diagnostic technology to meet consistent challenges.

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(MBL Beijing Biotech Co., Ltd)


Antibody Products Development


Contract Services for Antibody Development


Animal Species for Monoclonal Antibodies


Antibody Related Proprietary Licenses

MBL Offerings

MBL operates all processes required for manufacturing in vitro diagnostics products, from R&D to clinical performance study, to regulatory authorization application, to manufacturing and marketing. This system builds a close and trusted partnership with KOL physicians and achieves speedy commercialization.


1: Market research and survey 2: Research and development 3: Clinical development 
4: Regulatory approval 5: Commercialization of products and technologies 
6: Manufacturing and sales 7: Technical Support

Looking for a CDx Partner in Japan?


MBL in Japan is a one stop shop. MBL is #1 for new IVD medical reimbursement approvals in Japan with an Extensive KOL Network required for approvals.


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MBL is the First Antibody Manufacturing
Company Founded in Japan

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Research & Development